Volume 12, Issue 1 (march 2015 2015)                   IJMSE 2015, 12(1): 66-74 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (21951 Views)
Ceramic-matrix composites containing TiC-TiN have been used in a variety of application because of their superior properties such as high hardness, good wear resistance and high chemical stability. In this research, effect of coke and coke/calcium beds in synthesis of Al 2O3-Ti(C, N) composites using alumino-carbothermic reduction of TiO 2 has been investigated. Al, TiO 2 and active carbon with additives of extra carbon and NaCl and without additives, in separate procedures, have been mixed. Afterwards, mixtures were pressed and synthesized in 1200oC for 4hrs, in coke and coke/calcium beds, separately. Al 2O3-Ti(C,N) composite was synthesized in ternary system of Al-TiO 2 -C with excess carbon and NaCl additives in calcium/coke bed in 1200 . X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) results showed that existence of calcium in bed resulted in intensification of reduction atmosphere in samples and formation of Ti(C,N) phase enriched from carbon was accelerated. Crystallite sizes of synthesis Ti(C,N) at 1200 °C in reducing conditions were 22-28 nm.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Ceramics

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