Volume 11, Issue 4 (December 2014)                   IJMSE 2014, 11(4): 28-32 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (19438 Views)
Achieving extreme hardness in the newly synthetic steel formed by converting from initial amorphous state to subse-quent crystalline structure –named as devitrification process- was studied in this research work. Results of TEM observa-tions and XRD tests showed that crystallized microstructure were made up four different nano-scale phases i.e., α-Fe, Fe 36 Cr12 Mo10 , Fe 3 C and Fe3 B. More, Vickers hardness testing revealed a maximum hardness of 18.6 GPa which is signifi-cantly harder than existing hardmetals. Detailed kinetic and structural studies have been proof that two key factors were contributed to achieve this extreme hardness supersaturation of transition metal alloying elements (especially Nb) and also reduction in the structure to the nano-size crystals.
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