Volume 7, Issue 1 (winter 2010 2010)                   IJMSE 2010, 7(1): 48-53 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (36706 Views)


nanoparticles. All the extracts were used separately for the synthesis of gold nanoparticles through the reduction of

aqueous AuCl

gold ions to gold nanoparticles. The ethanol extract of black tea and its tannin free ethanol extract produced gold

nanoparticles in the size ranges of 2.5-27.5 nm and 1.25-17.5 nm with an average size of 10 nm and 3 nm, respectively.

The prepared colloid gold nanoparticles, using the ethanol extract of black tea, did not show the appropriate stability

during storage time (24 hours) at 4

showed no particle aggregation during short and long storage times at the same conditions. To the best of our

knowledge, this is the first report on the rapid synthesis of gold nanoparticles using ethanol extract of black tea and

its tannin free fraction.

In this research the ethanol extract of black tea and its tannin free fraction used for green synthesis of gold4¯. Transmission electron microscopy and visible absorption spectroscopy confirmed the reduction ofoC. In contrast, gold colloids, which were synthesized by a tannin free fraction
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Type of Study: Research Paper |

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