Volume 6, Issue 1 (winter 2009 2009)                   IJMSE 2009, 6(1): 15-19 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (35018 Views)
Abstract: Nanoparticles exhibit a high reactivity and strong tendency towards agglomeration. In this study, aluminum oxide (alumina) nanoparticles were characterized by gas adsorption (BET), transmition electron microscopy (TEM) and photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) techniques to assess the agglomeration of the particles. There is a good correlation between the BET and TEM measurements but PCS was larger in the mean and median size and with a degree of agglomerates being detected. Some agglomeration was evident, but most of the particles existed as discrete objects as observed in the (HR) TEM images which were in good agreement with the agglomeration factor.
Type of Study: Research Paper |

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